Open to children who have made their First Communion. Regular training is offered to altar servers, to assist Father at Mass. Adults are also welcome.
Volunteers provide assistance to hundreds of callers every year who need financial assistance. Your donations help the poor in Aztec and Flora Vista. The telephone number for Poor Fund assisstance is 505-386-7790.
Responsible for the preparation and care of the altar linens, and the upkeep of the altar.
Acronym for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults or Order of Christian Initiation for Adults – preparation of adult candidates for our Catholic sacraments.
Preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith.
Catholic education of our youth, and to prepare them to receive the sacraments. If you are interested to volunteer as a teacher or teacher's aide, see our Director of Religious Education.
Every first Thursday at Holy Trinity Church, and first Friday at St. Joseph Church. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up for one hour or more to be with our Lord Jesus.
Unite as a community praying the Rosary for the sanctity of all life from conception until natural death. Every Thursday morning. No experience required. Everyone is welcome.
Trained ministers who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, and to the sick and homebound. The priest or deacon will train and evaluate those who qualify, and send the names to our Bishop for the formal appointment as Eucharistic Minister.
Duties include preparing the altar for Mass and cleaning the altar following Mass.
Volunteers who help organize each Church's annual fiesta, our major fundraisers.
Volunteers who coordinate social activities, bereavement, and other gatherings of parishioners during the year.
A social and service club open to all men of our parishes. Meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month.
A faith ministry for our incarcerated brothers and sisters.
Volunteers who welcome parishioners and visitors as they enter the Church for Mass, and assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection.
Reader who proclaims the Scriptures at Mass and other services.
An international associaton of active Catholics whose objective is to serve God under the banner of Mary, by practicing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy as mentioned in chapter 33 of the Legion of Mary Handbook.
These two organizations provide students with an opportunity to grow together as a community of young people, while having fun and discovering how Jesus desires a relationship with each of us. Our mission is to encourage young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church.
Join together in song! Sing at any of our Sunday Masses, as your schedule allows.
If interested in any of these ministries, please contact the parish office at 505-334-6535.